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Nice Drop Down Menus!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:59 pm
by DJ
Would really like to see some cool drop downs on selected sites in upcoming projects. Check out how this website does them as they are very cool!

Re: Nice Drop Down Menus!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:23 pm
by Patrick
These are very creative and a great way to show off information about that particular section! I think that if there is time, maybe the WyseGuys could develop a menu management plugin for wordpress that would allow customers to develop the top level menu with associated drop downs and a fixed height x width image manager for the menu. This could be awesome, and if they are going to develop that, they should develop a gradient manager to be able to match themese easily.

Re: Nice Drop Down Menus!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:02 pm
by douglas
You said it Sir Patrick! In my 11 years of experience in the software industry I had observed that the success of any software is its userfriendliness and Accuracy [Fit for the Purpose]. When it comes to userfriendliness, Menu will get the top priority. It's the routemap/sitemap for the features and functionalities available in the system. A good structured/designed menu can deliver the purpose of the entire website at a glance. For bigger web applications, a well defined menu structuring means it's half done the project.

The concept of creating a dynamic menu Plugin for wordpress would be an asset for any development unit. This has lot of marketing potential as well. Finally our contribution to the wordpress community :)

Re: Nice Drop Down Menus!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:09 am
by unni
I have noticed a different dropdown menu ,

please check out

Usually we see static labels inside dropdown menu,if we develop a menu like above mentioned page, it helps us to add/edit dynamic labels, background, themes,font color etc, inside the dropdown,for eg : can add a label like latest news, top stories the dropdown

Re: Nice Drop Down Menus!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:22 pm
by DJ
Thanks for the attn on this! Yes I woudl love to see some creativity on some future designs with drop downs. This is definitely an area we can improve client conversion with!