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Site Uptime Monitoring

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:55 pm
by Prashant
Considering the surge in online usage and high number of lead conversions happening directly via your website. It's critical that you ensure you site is up and running 24x7. In today's world any downtime would mean you losing out on potential customer and big bucks. Here are some sites which helps monitor the sites and send reports when site comes down allowing you to take prompt action.

- Feature Rich but pricey
- Economical and should cater to most needs

Also if you want to review more sites that does this you can go through this article

Re: Site Uptime Monitoring

PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:33 am
by sathish.k
Just ran an Instant site availability check with
It checks site from different countries around the world with their hosting-partners and its shows the page size, Response time, IP and the connection speed

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