by RaJesh Balakrishnan » Tue Apr 02, 2013 2:01 am
Thanks Beniston for sharing such interesting posts. Am a Big fan of Helvetica, Helvetica is a really good font put to some excellent uses.
More about Helvetica:
( Whaaw some big clients in this list – Toyota, American Airlines, Jeep, BMW, Panasonic, 3M etc.
Top 10 Favorite Free Fonts
Here is the list of Top 10 free fonts mentioned by Web and graphic designers in the survey. Fonts that come bundled with operating systems, fonts like Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman, Georgia, and Tahoma have been excluded.
1. Myriad Pro
2. League Gothic
3. Cabin
4. Corbel
5. Museo Slab
6. Bebas Neue
7. Ubuntu
8. Lobster
9. Franchise
10. PT Serif
Top 10 Premium Fonts
This is the list of most popular premium (paid) fonts among designers. Some of them are very expensive but the quality of the font speaks for itself.
1. Helvetica
2. Gotham
3. DIN
4. Futura
5. Neo Sans
6. Adobe Caslon
7. Skolar
8. Kautiva
9. Caecilia
10. Fedra Sans