
Get feedback from the WYSELABS Community on any new websites, and how you can improve usability, features etc.


Postby bhuggins » Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:17 pm

Hello everyone,

I want to say congratulations to team Phoenix for launching the website http://www.fairmontdentist.com. I know we all worked very hard on this site, as the client was probably the one of the most particular we have ever worked with. However, we pushed through and came out with a nice product! I would love to hear some feedback and congrats to the team for making this happen.

Also, a thank you to the Beacon team, the late night crew, Matt, and Thomas for handling the final phone calls from Dr. Campbell.

GREAT WORK TEAM! What a fantastic job you have done. GO TEAM TECHWYSE!

Please take a look at the site and let us know your comments!
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Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:14 am

Re: www.fairmontdentist.com

Postby C-Note » Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:29 pm

Looks great, well done :)

Re: www.fairmontdentist.com

Postby Sreedhar » Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:20 pm

Congrats Team Phoenix!! 8)

Re: www.fairmontdentist.com

Postby DJ » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:56 am

Wow. It is great to see this site finally online! Great job team!

Here are some of my own comments: (since you asked ofcourse!)
- I like the top navigation item and the icons above each item. Makes it the eye pull to it greatly.
- I saw the original photo gallery and I actually didnt really notice that the images were that grainy. I certainly think the gallery would look better with them up.
- the image on these pages should probably be a lot smaller so the text fits nicer in the top.

- I clicked on WHITE FILLINGS on an inside page and it opened the new page and pushed me half way down right away

- "porcelain' is spelled wrong in this URL

- when i click on Bridge, Tooth Recontouring and Cosmetic Smile Makeovers the left nav items are all collapsed. Is there a reason for this?

Those are all my little things I have found.

Overall though you can certainly tell this client was very articulate about all the things to do with her site right down to the imagery.

The Deej
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