Roles of Web Design

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Roles of Web Design

Postby DJ » Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:58 pm

Over the years I have come to realize many things with regards to web design.

In general there are 2 roles for designers. Some prefer one over the other while others like to do both jobs. Both of the positions however are equally important.

Here they are:

Creative Designers - responsible for interpreting the creative brief from the client and putting together a design that is in line with both what they are asking for and the companies stated approach. The creative designer must be both artistic and understand why the visitor is coming to the website. Function, these days is paramount and is just as important as the creative design. A good creative designer will marry the 2 together and develop a perfectly blended design.

Site Builder - in my experience the site builder is the most underrated position in the process. The site builder is responsible for taking stock of both the complete site map, and the content and figuring out how best to display it. They often need to make suggestions and improve a sitemap that a "non technical" person (most times) was responsible for drawing up. The core position of a site builder is to understand the overal function of the site and paint that picture in the given design. They are also responsible for being up to date on the latest technologies that relate to the industry so that the site is as usable as possible.

These are 2 very different positions. The Creative designer is often more responosible for blending artistic design with function while the Site Builder is a master of usability and needs to be incredibly detailed.

While creative designers often are in the forefront because their design is what the site is all about, the Site builder is often the unheralded partner in the development of the site that can make the design even better then it is or perhaps at times far worse!

Either way, I urge all designers to take pride in both. Understand the reason a visitor is coming to the site, and ensure the content is front and centre using the latest technologies.

So I ask… can you show me what you think is a good site build?

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Postby Robert » Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:55 pm

IMO, put cosmetics and ownership aside, I think this is the type of structure that is most effective with the LSI algo

All content measured or written carefully to remain highly focused on page topic with strict linking policies from silo to silo.

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Postby DJ » Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:14 pm

Spoken like a true themezone follower :)

I like the silo effects but much of this is referring to conversion of the visitor once we get them to the website. You are referring to building a keyword strategy to get them there i think.
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Postby Robert » Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:00 am

Actually a little of both. Of course you first need to get a visitor to your site. But how did they get there? Where (do) did they go? Where did they exit? Why?

Most importantly once they are there, how simple is navigating to the areas most interesting to them? Web 2.0, Web 3.0, portals, html doesn't matter, structure is the backbone of what se's see and visitors experience.

I am really trying to talk generically. Creative designers and site builders (agree) are different and it's nice when you can have the best of both worlds. But they both need to follow a synomic site structure, IMO

A quote from my namesake: "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." ~ Robert Kennedy

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Postby DJ » Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:43 am

I agree. But that is a different topic. HTML does matter. The purpose to this post was to discuss the roles found within web design and their importance.

Would love to hear from some input from designers! ;-)
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Postby Robert » Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:23 pm

A quote from my namesake: "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." ~ Robert Kennedy

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Web Design Roles

Postby Prashant » Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:32 am

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Postby DJ » Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:03 pm

That is a very nice analogy Prashant!

You have covered my original points which were more or less discussing the difference between the 2 roles in design.

There is one element that is completely overlooked though over and above just coding well.

What I was referring to is that a strong creative design can be completely messed up if the HTML builder does not take pride in his development. This means that:

- he/she needs to take a keen interest in what converts users
- he/she needs to be very particular with graphic placement so it isnt sloppy
- he/she needs to be on top of latest functionalities so that the latest technology can be implanted into the creative design.

HTML code for search engine friendliness is obviously front and centre, but designing for website conversion is equally important. If visitors are going to a site and not converting to lead/sales then we are equally missing the point.

Can anyone illustrate any of the following:

- a great design AND build for conversion and HTML?
- a great design that has been botched because of a poor HTML build?

A great talk! :lol:
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Postby DJ » Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:03 pm

I just want to thank the team at INTL that worked on Giftcraft once again for putting together a sweet site! I am mostly impressed with the final programming that was done on this site. It has set a new standard for how we should build sites!

Things I want to point out that just work amazingly:

- Ability to change front image and nav.
– have a look at the site right now as it completely changes the complexion of the website.
- Image gallery when searching for product. The way we used images when clicked on was taking that extra step of thought that I really think we need to recognize
- The beautiful layout and function of the backend.
- The help files that were produced.

I also wrote a message in our forum I would love feedback on that talks about designers and their roles as it does relate to the attention to detail done on this site.
The Deej
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